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Setting up

In this tutorial, we will go through the creation of a Holium project that is tested, documented and deployed.

Tutorial repository#

This tutorial is geared towards first-time users who want detailed instructions on how to go from scratch to a working Holium project. As we aim to get used to all facets of the Holium CLI we choose a simple use case.

The sources are available on GitHub and you may get started by cloning it:

$ git clone$ cd getting-started

The tutorial data are sourced from Kaggle. They represent figures on avocado sales in the United States. The goal of our transformation pipeline is to create a data pipeline to get numbers of avocado type sales for a given year.


To be able to follow this tutorial you will first need to install Rust on your machine. Newcomers to the Rust toolchain may find instructions for its installation through a one-line script.

Once Rust is installed we will be able to leverage cargo to install the Holium CLI. Execute the command:

$ cargo install holium

Check the version to verify installation:

$ holium -VHolium 1.0.0

You will also need Git. It will prove useful to version our Holium project and the different pipelines we build in it. You can find about installation procedure here.

Embedded help#

For all commands and subcommands of the CLI, the -h argument will provide detailed help information about their usage.

Tab-completion scripts are also available for multiple shells (bash, powershell, zsh,…) and can be printed with the command generate-shell-completions or its alias gsc. Just evaluate the script for your favorite shell as follows:

eval "$(holium gsc bash)"

At this point, everything is in place to start operating the protocol.